Kristin Welchez, mer känd som Dee Dee, frontar till vardags Dum Dum Girls vars senaste album Too True släpptes 2014. Under namnet Kristin Kontrol släpper hon den 27 maj solodebuten X-Communicate via Sub Pop. Hon berättar i ett pressmeddelande:
”For me as leader of Dum Dum Girls it felt very stoic and serious, and I am serious, but anyone who really knows me knows I’m silly, too; I smile a lot. As the years went on, it was so weird that I kept so much of me out of what I was doing creatively. The first music I really identified as my own was very poppy, classic 80s, from Debbie Gibson and Tiffany to Janet Jackson and Madonna. I didn’t want to make a record with typical rock vocals.”
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